Spooky noises and things that go bump in the night

mattd mattd at useoz.com
Mon Jan 7 20:16:53 PST 2002

 >>Someone stealing a television or PC has certainly earned killing. This 
is what strong crypto will make more possible: the deliverance of
strong vengeance, untraceably. (Hint: This preceeded Jimbell by many

"extremely dark markets",and one of the "four horsemen" if memory serves 
you well as it doesn't appear to.
Hint-Tim hates being superceded.

 >>Fact is, many people have already earned killing. The only
reason we cannot dispose of them is that liberal shits interfere with

We white gun owning right thinking anarcho-crapitalists? You wont live long 
in crypto-anarchy.

 >>Again, my mileage varies. And since I decide what is important to me,
it's "my house, my rules."<<

Don't let anyone in the way the previous owners did.

 >>I don't mind that  a lot of people are liberal pansies<<

Tim was bitching about his state,(cali) 5 years ago,AT LEAST.He hasn't yet 
moved to Montana where men are men.

 >>who believe
thieves are not worthy of killing. However, if they help to pass laws
restricting my own choices, then they have earned killing themselves. 
Certainly nearly every member, with but a handful of exceptions, of
Congress has earned the death penalty many times over. --Tim May<<

APster style? Put up or shut up May,you are a waste of OOO's and 111's.

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