Detweiler, Vulis, Toto, John Young, and mattd

R. A. Hettinga rahettinga at EarthLink.Net
Sun Jan 6 20:09:48 PST 2002

At 5:36 PM -0800 on 1/6/02, Tim May wrote:

> Back in the Plonk file you go.

Ahhhh... Would that that were truly so.

It would have made both our lives so much easier over the last 7+ years
(cf. previous bits about crufty old farts with nothing better to do...) if
you actually *did* use that Eudora filter feature, or whatever System X
Mail does these days.

But you never actually do it, do you?


R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah at>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"When I was your age we didn't have Tim May! We had to be paranoid
on our own! And we were grateful!" --Alan Olsen

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