Faustine's paranoia index (or: mindless OT bickering)

John Young jya at pipeline.com
Sun Jan 6 08:20:48 PST 2002

Faustine's right that there is far too much effort wasted here
on trying to control what gets posted, or should or shouldn't
be, rather than improve the quality of the discourse and encourage
new voices, in particular those different from one's own, and
most especially different from one's pack-howling.

But then there's pleasure in watching the establishment get 
dissed by disbelievers, and the attempts of guardians of the 
commons to police what's not theirs exclusively to rule.

Professors get beat by students, get used to it. Filtering the
painful truth aids embellishing the glory days to fans who
seek security from tough auto-love masters.

Feynmann was exceptional for laughing at himself, for
demonstrating nothing kills imagination like pride and
vainglory. Einstein was good at self-deprecation too. 
Perhaps that is the message cpunk genius CJ offered 
that authoritarians are compelled to filter, murderously 
by gun-enforced imprisonment and banishment from 
the forum, so destabilizable are the certain-minded
by ridicule, especially when so well deserved.

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