Dr. Strangelove (was: Clarification for cpunks_anon at einstein.ssz.com)

Morlock Elloi morlockelloi at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 1 04:31:25 PST 2002

> But this is a well-established unsolvable problem in
> philosophy. It is impossible to examine your fundamental
> ideas for they are what you stand on to examine. What
> you think are basic are at least one step up from fundamental.

But you can cheat if there is a feedback.

Suppose that an external party (as opposed to multiple personalities housed in
the same wetware) diagnoses you with attribute A (eg. "you write in
disconnected fashion and often mention "state") which you neither understand
nor agree with.

You then, blindly, do the opposite of A (~A) (write closely related sentences
and never mention state).

This is called acting and many can do it on regular basis.


Damn,  I must stop referring to Kubrick.

(of original message)

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