When the FBI Guys Come Knocking...

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at pobox.com
Wed Sep 26 14:48:42 PDT 2001

At 04:43 PM 09/26/2001 -0400, Trei, Peter wrote:
> > Nomen Nescio[SMTP:nobody at dizum.com]
> >
> >
> >   Tim's idea of a closed circuit TV is the best approach, and something
> > I've
> > been thinking of for a long time. By far the best way to interact with
>Thats cute, but depending on jurisdiction, you may have to inform he/she/it
>if they are being recorded, or open yourself up for a wiretapping charge.

Only if you're recording - the cheap X10 cameras work just fine
with the back end plugged into a monitor rather than a recorder.

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