MIME-encoded PGP / GPG signatures (again)

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Wed Sep 26 07:47:58 PDT 2001

On Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 11:41:18PM -0700, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
> Actually, I'm on this particular list partially because of the MIME
> stripping policy. I'm very happy with it, and I suspect many others are.
> If you aren't happy with it, feel free to run your own node. Choate can
> give you the details on that.

Well put. This reflects my sentiments as well. Many of us use lne.com,
a well-run service, and enjoy how its policy of stripping MIME attachments.

Feel free to subscribe to another cypherpunks node and merrily be
as MIMEful as you like, but don't be surprised if everyone else ignores you.


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