When the FBI Guys Come Knocking...

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at mindspring.com
Tue Sep 25 22:47:56 PDT 2001

Tim wrote:

> I don't know what I would do. I like to
> think I would simply not answer the door
> at all once I saw that two agents were
> standing on my doorstep.

There is an unpublished story about Robert Heinlein that was told to me by
the last person to interview him before his death.  At the time, Robert and
Ginny lived in the Santa Cruz mountains, not that far from Tim (hmm, maybe
it's something in the water).  Their house was circular and their property
was surrounded by a high chain-link fence with a razor wire on the top (if
memory serves).

Anyway, one day someone came to the gait and sounded the buzzer.  Robert
asked them through the intercom who they were and what they wanted.  They
said they were from the IRS.  When Robert asked them if they had an
appointment, there was a long silence followed by the statement, "No, but
we've driven all the way from San Jose to talk to you about your account."

Mr. Heinlein turned off the intercom and buzzer and went back to his
business.  That was the last he heard from the IRS.

 S a n d y

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