When the FBI Guys Come Knocking...

David Honig honig at sprynet.com
Tue Sep 25 19:28:18 PDT 2001

At 09:42 PM 9/25/01 -0400, Matthew Gaylor wrote:
>At 6:06 PM -0700 9/25/01, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
>>Whether you take my approach or Tim's approach isn't all that important.
>>What is vital, is that you maintain your sense of moral superiority.  Any
>>personal fear, guilt or subservience on your part are your own worst
>I personally don't answer my door unless I recognize them.  Of course 
>I realize that I'm missing scintillating conversation with Mormons, 
>Jehovah Witnesses and the occasional vacuum cleaner salesman.

You only get visited by Mormons if you have a history with them.

But with JW's, you get 2 points off your license for every pelt, 3
if you only need 1 shot.

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