When the FBI Guys Come Knocking...

Tim May tcmay at got.net
Tue Sep 25 17:29:57 PDT 2001

On Tuesday, September 25, 2001, at 03:35 PM, Matthew Gaylor wrote:

>    As noted in a Christian Science Monitor editorial this
>    week,  "to have FBI agents with no preparatory contact
>    knocking  on the doors of Arab or Muslim citizens with
>    no  clear  ties  to  acts  of  crime  is a sure way to
>    instill fear right where cooperation is most needed."
>    In  legal  parlance,  this  practice is referred to as
>    "profiling." In my book, it's just plain racism.
>    And it has no place in my country.
>    ---
>    Riad  Z.  Abdelkarim  is an American-born, -raised and
>    -educated  physician  active  in  the  American Muslim
>    community. He lives in Southern California.

A dozen more warriors for Allah in this Jihad were recruited by this 
article. The U.S. is doing exactly what OBL is hoping for.

I haven't been "visited," at least not so far. Maybe I never will be.

I hope I have the presence of mind to say "You're trespassing. Get the 
fuck off my property."

I would only "answer questions" through an attorney, and I would only 
hire a $300 an hour shyster if I _had_ to. Meaning, I would say nothing 
(I would hope) unless they arrest me. Until then, they can stay the fuck 
off of my property.
(My last experience with security narcs was the event I described at 
Stanford. There, I did manage to have the presence of mind to answer 
none of their questions about my name, my reason for being on campus at 
the same time the Criminal Family was visiting, or about the contents of 
my bag.)

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