mmotyka at mmotyka at
Mon Sep 24 16:23:53 PDT 2001

Jim Choate <ravage at> wrote :

>On Mon, 24 Sep 2001 mmotyka at wrote:
>> NB : I'm not opposed to drilling Alaskan oil - after Kuwait runs dry...
>I am. Find another way other than killing the Polar Bears (they have to
>helicopter them around the N. pole each year so they don't starve), seals,
>whales, etc.
>Your right to TRY to make money doesn't over-ride my right to a reasonably
>maintaned planet. 
As usual you misunderstand me - I only approve of going into ANWR in a
case of dire need. Our society depends so heavily on fossil fuels that a
sudden removal would cause panic and starvation.

> And as far as $25+/gallon gas...go baby go!
$25 is a bit extreme - lets move it up to ~$3 1 year from now to start.
Change it too quickly and you cause too much trouble for the economy.

I also think we should learn a lesson from NY - annual vehicle
registration costs are based on vehicle weight.


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