how not to be mistaken as a terrorist

citizenQ citizenQ at
Sun Sep 23 13:14:18 PDT 2001

Grow a beard
Be argumentative
Draw attention to yourself
Park in no-parking zones
Wear eastern clothes
Don't pay your rent on time
Cause trouble in your neighborhood
Be chatty in public
Don't join the gym
Drink a lot and fuck.

Sounds ALmost like any card-carrying cypherpunk to me.

> Terror manual gives instructions for attackers on how to blend in
> The Associated Press
> NEW YORK (AP) No beards or other "Islamic characteristics." Do not
> speak loudly or otherwise draw attention to yourself. Rent apartments
> in areas where neighbors do not know each other well.
> The suicide hijackers in last week's attacks apparently practiced
> terrorism by the book a 180-page manual for Muslim operatives living
> undercover among their enemies in "godless areas" of the world.
> The manual, "Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants," was
> discovered last year during an investigation of Osama bin Laden, and
> gives terrorists precise instructions on how to act while they await
> their orders to strike.
> Investigators have not said whether the 19 hijackers ever read the
> manual, but glimpses of their lives suggest they conducted themselves
> according to its instructions during the months they spent in the
> United States.
> Experts say the manual illustrates the inner workings of bin Laden's
> al-Qaida organization, the prime suspect in the attacks. It also
> foreshadows the suicide hijackings themselves, in which the terrorists
> used boxcutters and knives.
> For example, the manual's "Assassinations" section gives precise
> instructions on how to use weapons with blades, saying the "enemy must
> be struck in one of these lethal spots: Anywhere in the rib cage, both
> or one eye, the back of the head, the end of the spinal column."
> The hijackers "seem to have followed (the manual) as closely as they
> could ... making sure no one knew the whole picture," said George
> Andrew, former deputy head of anti-terrorism for the FBI's New York
> City office.
> The manual says anyone willing to "undergo martyrdom" should be "able
> to act, pretend and mask himself" behind enemy lines.
> Among its instructions: 
> Do not address others with traditional Islamic greetings in which
> Allah's name is invoked.
> Do not cause trouble in your neighborhood. Do not park in no-parking
> zones.
> Do not live near police stations. 
> Do not appear to be overly inquisitive. 
> Burn letters immediately after reading them and get rid of the ashes,
> too.
> Rent apartments "in newly developed areas where people don't know each
> other."
> Use codes when talking on the telephone. 
> Try not to be "chatty and talkative" in public. 
> Maintain an appearance "that does not indicate Islamic orientation
> (beard, toothpick, book, long shirt, small Koran)."
> Most television images of the men thought to have been aboard the
> airliners show them without beards. And people who met them said they
> wore Western clothes.
> Neighbors of some of the men in California, Florida and Maryland said
> they lived in suburbs where they did not stand out. In Florida they
> moved frequently, staying in motels and apartments around the state.
> They also joined gyms. One made small talk with a neighbor about
> sports. Another posted a personal ad on the Internet.
> People who came into contact with them described them as quiet,
> friendly and sometimes timid men who gave few, if any, hints that they
> harbored deep resentment against the United States.
> Nawaq Alhamzi, a suspected hijacker aboard the jet that crashed into
> the Pentagon, lived last fall in a new 175-unit San Diego apartment
> building where so many people came and went that he was barely
> noticed. He always paid the rent on time.
> Some of the hijackers appeared to bend a rule in the manual stating
> that "there is nothing that permits ... drinking wine or fornicating."
> Days before the World Trade Center attack, Mohamed Atta and Marwan
> Al-Shehhi were seen drinking at a sports bar in Hollywood, Fla. Majed
> Moqued was spotted perusing adult videos in two Laurel, Md., stores.
> He did not buy anything.
> FBI agents discovered the manual last year in Manchester, England, in
> one of several "guest houses" authorities say al-Qaida used to harbor
> terrorist cells. The FBI was investigating bin Laden and his suspected
> role in the deadly 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa.
> A translation of manual from the original Arabic was made public last
> spring, when prosecutors in New York introduced it as evidence in the
> embassy bombing trial that ended with the convictions of four bin
> Laden associates.
> After studying the manual, the FBI suspected that bin Laden's soldiers
> were attempting to infiltrate American society, said Andrew, the
> former FBI anti-terrorism official. But investigators apparently did
> not conclude that terrorists had already put themselves in position to
> strike.
> They "didn't think they were at that chapter yet," Andrew said. 
> Associated Press Writers Pat Milton and Larry Neumeister contributed
> to this story.

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