Larry Ellison volunteers to donate the S/W for Nat. ID Cards

citizenQ citizenQ at
Sun Sep 23 10:45:07 PDT 2001

In the SJ Mercury News this morning: Ellison, (who doesn't think that laws pertaining to other people pertain to him, evidenced by his refusal to obey flight curfew laws regulating takeoffs and landings at SJ Airport) volunteers to donate all the Oracle-ware necessary to deploy National ID cards.  For this act of patriotism he naturally gets lots of column inches of aggrandizement. 

He is quoted in the article as suggesting a card that stores your fingerprint, allowing authentication by a fingreprint reader.

"'We're quite willing to provide the software for this absolutely free.'"

"But Ellison said in the electronic age little privacy is left anyway" ...

" 'This privacy you're concerned about is largely an illusion,' he said. 'All you have to give up is your illusions, not any of your privacy.'"

"Howard Gantman, a spokesman for Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif, said that she would be interested in discussing the idea with Ellison."

Fuckwits.  I'm concerned the possibility of Nat ID cards is a more virulent threat than wiretapping and crypto restrictions. 

"May I see your papers please?"

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