Death of 'nations'?

Jim Choate ravage at
Sun Sep 23 06:18:27 PDT 2001


Are we seeing the beginning of the end of the concept of 'nation'? Are we
faced with the incontrovertible truth that we either abandon the concepts
of science/technology, accept a autocratic state where our every move is
reviewed for threat potential, or do we find another solution to the
problems of mankind other than the 'state'? Are these the only three

It is clear that any assault on 'method' will fail because there is an
infinite regress. Instead we should focus on 'motive' since if a person is
never motivated to commit the act in the first place the 'method' becomes
moot. This raises the question of what does 'individual' or 'independent'
mean in a technology filled world?

It is also clear that CACL solutions won't work, the example of armed
aircraft passengers during a high-jack clearly demonstrates how such
confrontations can be turned against the passengers to their own
detriment. Their very biological nature makes such solutions unworkable.
Is it time that all forms of human government recognize the fundamental
limits imposed by physics (something even CACL theory doesn't do)? 
Whatever solution works must include some form of neutral third party
conflict resolution mechanism. And the solutions of that mechanism must
not resort to forceful coercion. It must recognize the fundamental right
of the individual to not go along with the majority in (nearly?) all

Is it time we recognize that the good of the many doesn't outweight the
needs of the few in all cases? And that in any case the initiation of
violence (physical or not) is never justified? That irrespective of the
issue forcing someone to participate only creates more problems in the
future that any possible good that may come from forcing the current
resolution? That these problems will pile up until there is no solution
other than a complete 'reboot'? That individuals have a fundamental right to 
say "No, I won't participate" irrespective of the issue? That in fact
Lincolns 'universal law of nations' is nothing more than a scam? Does the
threat of future technology applications justify abandoning those
applications? Do we put a cap on our lifestyle?

I propose that the only solution isn't forcing people to participate but
rather offering voluntary opportunities to participate. Buy their
cooperation. Is this the true future of 'economics'?


         Kill them all, take their land, and go there for vacation.

                                         Rage Against The Machine

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
                           -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

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