Text of "Mobilization Against Terrorism Act" now online

baptista at pccf.net baptista at pccf.net
Wed Sep 19 22:46:22 PDT 2001

mata means to kill in spanish and portugese.  your playing around here
with word tenses.  and matar does in no way mean murder.  it does mean
to kill, or to slay.  mata is not an acceptable word usuage in spanish 
with respect to the process of killing or slaying - it is however in
common usage.  In both languages it is considered a slang term when used
alone.  it can mean murderer or assasine when used as a noun -
i.e. matador.

now i have no idea where you are coming from in your claims that mata has
anything to do with plants.  i suspect many portions of the old spanish
empire may have mutated their language usage where mata has some reference
to plants - but i doubt it.

I think what you are doing here is confusing spanish with portuguese.  In
portuguese mata can in fact refer to a forest, woods or a jungle 
area.  and in association with other common terms can mean various 
things.  i.e. mata + borrao = paper blotters, rato(s) derived from rat =
arsenic, virgem = virgin or primeval forest.  I think thats where your
confusing your spanish definition of mata that it has some association
with plants.

don't forget that portuguese was originally a military language developed
and derived from spanish and much of the word and sentence structure is
intentionally confusing.  the meaning of a word structure and the
associated definitions are not defined in the words but in the sentence
structure and sometimes like chinese in the inflection used by the


On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, Jim Choate wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Sep 2001, Xeni Jardin wrote:
> > FWIW, "MATA" in Spanish means "kill." 
> 'mata' means a plant (also 'planta') or a shrub (also 'arbusto').
> '(to) kill (or murder)' is 'matar'.
> as in,
> No matars....Though shall not kill (or murder...depends on how one
> translates the original scripts).
> Matar el tiempo....To kill time.
> Me ha matado con su pelmaceria....He's so dull he bores me to death.
> Vaya con dios mi amigo....Go with God my friend.
>  --
>     ____________________________________________________________________
>          Kill them all, take there land, and go there for vacation.
>                                          Rage Against The Machine
>        The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
>        Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at ssz.com
>        www.ssz.com            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
>                            -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-
>     --------------------------------------------------------------------

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