Spanish Flu, The benefits of masks

David Honig honig at
Tue Sep 18 07:54:21 PDT 2001

At 02:21 PM 9/17/01 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>My real fear, so far unrealized, is a smallpox or influenza attack. 
>Smallpox killed 300 million in the 1900s (hard to believe, but this is 
>what experts are saying) and the flu in 1918 killed many millions just 
>in the U.S. (including some of my relatives).
>(The 1917-18 worldwide outbreak was believed to have been spread 
>worldwide by returning troops from WW I. Note that the disease vectors 
>of today are far more efficient.)

20 million

>If I hear the slightest hint of an outbreak of any virulent disease, 
>anywhere, I'll head out to the nearest supermarket, buy $300 worth of 
>groceries, and then hunker down to ride it out.
>As always, this is not a _prediction_, this is a statement about my 
>personal approach to insurance and preparedness.
>--Tim May

Tim, see _Science_ 7 Sept 01, vol 293, p1773-1777 "The Origin and Control
of Pandemic Influenza" and related research.

Summary: you want to stockpile specifically anti-influenza drugs like
'Relenza' or
'Tamiflu'.  They impede viral replication by messing with an enzyme it uses
to release itself.

The genetic engineers have been figuring out what makes virulent strains,
and where they come from.  Basically bird flu mixes with human flu.  Damn
chinese chickens.

Hey, at least wearing masks in public will become socially acceptable, as it
now is in south NYC...

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