3 questions...

Dave dm128 at microconnect.net
Sun Sep 16 00:28:48 PDT 2001

1. Any restrictions on Stego exports as compared to regualar crypto, if so can i cheat and break it into modules, and give half of it away and allow them to define there own cypher, give out a template and such for, not really sure the easiest way to do that thought to see if was legal first...

2. Now an American business purposely destroying its own corperate headquaters is an intresting theory, but given the current state of the US, and Bush's current support, what are the odds who ever knew that information would be able to tell us....

3. Who stood the most to gain? Islamic Terrorists, with a new Vietnam?  Corperation, possibly, but whats $5, $10 mil, when you gotta retrain your whole staff that makes 4-5 times that, and it would take a few years? lol, Guess it makes you wonder if anybody sent all the "genious"(yeah i know) childern home... Then on the other hand, we have what a 91% approval rating, and bunch bills that wouldn't have passed a week going threw, and bet yah dollars to donuts, that wonderful new tech in tampa, is comming up north, pretty soon., with hell of lot less bitching then otherwise....


<Note: I type like shit, I spell like shit, and I know, and i really don't care, if you don't like then use your fucking kill file>
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