Crypto-anonymity greases HUMINT intelligence flows

Meyer Wolfsheim wolf at
Sat Sep 15 14:07:41 PDT 2001

On Sat, 15 Sep 2001, Sandy Sandfort wrote:

> Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
> > My point is that such an attack could occur
> > with nothing more than economic factors as
> > motivation.
> Of course, but I don't see how that advances any discussion of what ACTUALLY
> happened on the 11th.

It does not. It does, however, point out the futility in the imposition of
arbitrary terrorism-prevention measures.

There is an upper bound on risk for any terrorist: that of his life.

I fail to see any truly effective measures that can be taken to prevent
determined attackers from committing acts of terrorism. The only course of
action, I believe, is to eliminate their desire to commit these attacks.

Harry Browne's essay[1] points out things we could have done to remove the
(suspected) motivation for this (and other possible) political terroristic
attacks. Tim May has made similar points.

The game changes drastically when the motive changes to an economic one.

> I don't think there is any reason to engage in a theoretical
> discussion when we have such a concrete event to examine.  I'll
> certainly concede your point that evil can be done for pecuniary
> profit as well as ideology.  So may we dispense with this irrelevant
> thread now?

My apologies for distracting you. I'll wait until after this is no longer
hypothetical to discuss these issues.



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