Those who give up liberty in favor of security deserve neither

Tim May tcmay at
Sat Sep 15 11:23:19 PDT 2001

On Saturday, September 15, 2001, at 10:35 AM, citizenQ 
<citizenQ at wrote:

> You missed the irony, I guess I should have put in the irony-smiley.
> Given the overall context of the bill, the debate on the floor, and 
> it's conclusion your report is shrill and Chicken-littleish, which does 
> nothing for creating credible support of resistance to eroding civil 
> liberty. Do your job, support your position, and do it clearly.  Right 
> now I have no patience for Wired-generation smugness.

This is not a "Wired-generation" issue. This issue was one Ben Franklin, 
Thomas Jefferson, and the other Founders were worried about.

In fact, there is no chance for public debate on this express train. New 
laws are being passed by voice vote, at midnight. Some Congressmen have 
admitted they have no idea what they are voting to approve, only that it 
has something to do with fighting terrorism.

This is the Clipper/ITAR/CDA battle compressed into a week, instead of 
years. And there is no debate, no dissent.

You are welcome to give up _your_ civil liberties, but anyone trying to 
take mine away has earned killing, by any means necessary.

Funny, I notice how many of the critics of Cypherpunks and supporters of 
this express train approach to repealing the Bill of Rights are 
themselves hiding behind Cypherpunks remailers, Hushmail aliases, and 
Ziplip nyms.

--Tim May

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