Crypto-anonymity greases HUMINT intelligence flows

Sandy Sandfort sandfort at
Sat Sep 15 11:00:29 PDT 2001

Nomen Nescio wrote:

> Sandfort:
> > I have NO IDEA what this strange post has to do with the
> original question.
> > I'm a libertarian.  As such, I see no problem in doing well by
> doing good.
> > Just because I would jump at $5 million (plus Witness
> Relocation) to finger
> > Bin Laden does not mean I would do something evil for that
> amount or more.
>     And fingering bin Laden wouldn't be just as evil?
> It would be for one of his followers, now wouldn't it?
> Evil is relative.

Nonsense.  Targeting innocents is evil according to EVERY human culture.
The fact that people do it, does not make it "relative."  It just makes them
evil.  Period.

When generals close to Hitler saw the writing on the wall, their basic
humanity drove them to try to blow him up.  Had they succeeded they would
have ended a great evil and prevented ALL the evil excesses of the
WWII--from the holocaust to Dresden to Hiroshima.  What they did was not
evil, but moral.  Unfortunately, they failed.

> Would you become Judas Iscariot --
> for how many shekels? And if you say
> that as someone close to bin Laden,
> you would rat on him for money, how
> about us, how about your friends and
> family here in the US? What's the price
> for them?

Did you even read what I wrote?  Please do so before asking such asinine

 S a n d y

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