Sick Wacko in the Whitehouse

jamesd at jamesd at
Sat Sep 15 07:48:33 PDT 2001

On 14 Sep 2001, at 12:28, Ken Brown wrote:
> When we British used to run the biggest empire the world 
> has ever seen, we used to call them "punitive expeditions".
> They never did anyone a bit of fucking good, except a few 
> colonial administrators.

Although the british never succeeded in imposing a ruler of 
their choice on Afghanistan, they were highly successful in 
keeping rulers they did not like from ruling Afghanistan.

I predict that the American government will have a go at
imposing a proconsul on Afghanistan, letting the Russians
have a free hand to exterminate the chechens in in return for
the Russians letting America have a free hand to do as it
pleases in Afghanistan.  Whether it succeeds or fails,
taliban will be history. 

         James A. Donald

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