Shoulder to shoulder

keyser-soze at keyser-soze at
Fri Sep 14 03:42:06 PDT 2001

If we allow the acts of those involved in this week's acts against the U.S. to diminish our Liberties than they have already won and any retaliation will anti-climatic.  I can assure you that that there are many in the U.S. who love their Liberty more than life and are prepared put a bullet in anyone who acts to interfere with our "right" to communicate privately, keep and bear arms or be safe in our homes and papers from unreasonable searches.  

Any elected representative who affirms legislation to curtail our rights due to the "current emergency," any officer of the law who act to enforce these new laws and any CEO of a private enterprise (e.g., an ISP who shuts off service to anyone in order to deny them their private communication rights) have earned killing. They are little different than the Nazi collaborators in WW II. It is only by offering these cowards, with their misguided patriotism or who value their self-interest more than Liberty, equally weighty consequences to consider that all our Liberties will be protected.

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