Pick your trusted encryption provider and communicate with whomever you want in this world.

Tim May tcmay at got.net
Thu Sep 13 20:38:57 PDT 2001

On Thursday, September 13, 2001, at 06:22 PM, chefren wrote:

Cypherpunks, I am forwarding this complete with names of cc:s attached 
to show you some of the enemies out there. I've gotten several personal 
e-mails. I am asking Declan, my friend, NOT to forward my posts to his 
various lists.,

Too many statists who gibber as this fool "chefren" does.

(I have no idea whether "chefron" and "Rob Carlson" are the same person 
or not...part of the chaos of having my stuff sent to other mailing 
lists. For now, I am assuming it is only this "chefron" creep who 
deserves to be blasted.)

> On 13 Sep 01, at 19:20, Declan McCullagh forwarded and Rob Carlson 
> wrote:
>> We have to urge our fellow citizens not to give up their
>> basic civil rights, especially not the right to engage in
>> private conversations over distance and share ideas in
>> private that others (including those in power) might not
>> agree with.
> "Right to engage in private conversations over distance"?
> Our =society= invented means to have conversations over
> distance, nobody is born with those capabilities. Those
> means combined with strong encryption have lot's of good
> uses but also bear a serious threat for our society.
> As foreseen by experts quite some time our society heads
> for regulated encryption. Basically: Pick your trusted
> encryption provider and communicate with whoever you want
> in this world.

This is a disgraceful argument, which I have no particular interest in 
arguing with you on.

Declan, apparently you have been forwarding my posts to you one or more 
of your lists. Please do not do so. I have no interest in receiving 
arguments from some of the untermenschen who choose to subscribe to some 
of your lists.

To you untermenschen: don't send your socialist/statist arguments to me 
personally. If you want to argue, join the lists I am on.

--Tim May

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