"Ending States That Support Terrorism"

Tim May tcmay at got.net
Thu Sep 13 19:55:58 PDT 2001

On Thursday, September 13, 2001, at 02:36 PM, Eric Cordian wrote:

> Anyone have the list of countries that Bush is planning on scheduling 
> for
> termination?
> I would imagine Afganistan and Iraq are the first two.  Will he toss in
> Syria, Sudan, and Libya as well?

Syria and Libya expressed condemnation of the WTC event, so I expect 
they looked at the likely upcoming firestorm and decided they'd better 
sign on with Uncle Sam. Cuba did as well.

I think this worsen things for us, because the New World Order is 
gathering a huge head of steam. Expect to see a worldwide ban on 
privacy, with Fidel Castro invited to the White House.

> It looks like the game that is being played here, is that all countries
> are being given an opportunity to pledge unconditional support and
> cooperation for Bush's "War" against those rendering aid to terrorism, 
> now
> declared to be the primary focus of his administration, and whoever
> declines will constitute the enemy.

This is exactly how it is looking.

> While all of this is transpiring, a smirking Ariel Sharon, the war
> criminal elected by acclaimation, will be taking more of the 
> Palestinians'
> land.


> So when's the Congress going to outlaw encryption?  I assume we'll all 
> be
> expected to make such small sacrifices for the larger good.

Feinstein, Schumer, Feingold, Lieberman, and all of the other usual 
suspects are scrambling to repeal what they can of the Constitution.

I'm betting, as I said in my last post, that strong unescrowed crypto 
will be illegal by December 15th.

(Not that this would have stopped the WTC cells from planning their 
attacks in apartments, motel rooms, etc., nor from using the signals 
they sent over pagers and cell phones. Good old-fashoned codes are 
impossible to defeat.)

> We're all supposed to fly American flags for the next 30 days to show 
> our
> support for all of this.  I wonder if they'll be taking names.

Or noting who is flying them upside down, the symbol of distress.

--Tim May

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