Coordination, maximizing terror, hypotheses (fwd)

Eugene Leitl Eugene.Leitl at
Wed Sep 12 09:03:25 PDT 2001

-- Eugen* Leitl <a href="">leitl</a>
ICBMTO  : N48 10'07'' E011 33'53''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 10:49:13 -0500
From: Jeff Bone <jbone at>
To: Robert S. Thau <rst at>, fork at
Subject: Coordination, maximizing terror, hypotheses

*  The timing of the WTC attacks is extraordinary, and points not only to a
high degree of coordination but also to a keen sensibility in planning the
mission.  Consider:  if both planes had hit the buildings simultaneously,
there would've been very little footage of the second attack.  Too little time
between the attacks and there would've been less coverage and no real-time
horror;  too much time and the alert status might've been such that the second
collision could be prevented.

*  The targeting of the second attack may be a subtle pointer to state
involvement.  I understand that the part of the Pentagon that was hit houses
the nerve center for the Army's worldwide logistics command.  It appears that
this part of the building was intentionally targeted, as the plane apparently
performed an overshoot-and-return maneuver in order to line up with the south
side of the building, whereas it could've gone into the opposite side with no
such maneuver.  A small, highly-mobile group of perps wouldn't be concerned
about damaging the Army's logistical capability, as any retaliation would like
be air-based or, if ground-based, a smaller strike squad with separate /
minimal logistical concerns.  Crippling Army logistics might have been a
strategic consideration designed to minimize the ability to mount an
immediate, large-scale, ground-based response with traditional forces.
Further speculation:  this may point away from Afghanistan / Taliban
involvement and more towards Iraq or Iran, for the reasons noted earlier re:
the difficulty of mounting a ground-based invasion of Afghanistan.

*  Our own forces may have shot down the plane over Pennsylvania.  Dick Armey
was giving an interview last night, and after being asked leading questions by
Wolf Blitzer he started making comments about being given a classified
briefing with information specifically about that plane.  The interview was
then censored, with sound edited out for about 30 seconds.  I think this could
well be an "open secret" that the media has been let in on but gagged about in
order to minimize public backlash / confusion.  Other indications also exist,
in the news that's coming out about where and when fighters were scrambled.
This is clearly speculative, but a possibiliity.

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