FC: FBI pushes Carnivore on network providers after attacks (fwd)

Eugene Leitl Eugene.Leitl at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Wed Sep 12 08:23:46 PDT 2001

-- Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://www.lrz.de/~ui22204/">leitl</a>
ICBMTO  : N48 10'07'' E011 33'53'' http://www.lrz.de/~ui22204
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 10:17:03 -0400
From: Declan McCullagh <declan at well.com>
To: politech at politechbot.com
Subject: FC: FBI pushes Carnivore on network providers after attacks


    Anti-Attack Feds Push Carnivore
    By Declan McCullagh (declan at wired.com)
    2:00 a.m. Sep. 12, 2001 PDT

    WASHINGTON -- Federal police are reportedly increasing Internet
    surveillance after Tuesday's deadly attacks on the World Trade Center
    and the Pentagon.

    Just hours after three airplanes smashed into the buildings in what
    some U.S. legislators have dubbed a second Pearl Harbor, FBI agents
    began to visit Web-based, e-mail firms and network providers,
    according to engineers at those companies who spoke on condition of

    An administrator at one major network service provider said that FBI
    agents showed up at his workplace on Tuesday "with a couple of
    Carnivores, requesting permission to place them in our core, along
    with offers to actually pay for circuits and costs."


    Microsoft's Hotmail service has also been the target of increased
    federal attention, according to an engineer who works there.

    "Hotmail officials have been receiving calls from the San Francisco
    FBI office since mid-(Tuesday) morning and are cooperating with their
    expedited requests for information about a few specific accounts," the
    person said. "Most of the account names start with the word 'Allah'
    and contain messages in Arabic."


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