Manhattan Mid-Afternoon

Sunder sunder at
Tue Sep 11 21:33:50 PDT 2001

I'd still fucking rush them if I had been there.  If anything it would
wake everyone else up to do the same.

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
<--*-->:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
--------_sunder_ at _sunder_._net_------- ------------

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Normen Nomesco wrote:

> >I'm 100% positive that a single armed terrorist with the best training in
> >the world would perish within seconds at the hands of 50+ such businessmen
> >before taking out more than several victims.  To understand this, you must
> >think as they did.
> Then how come 84 unarmed people could not take aproximatly 4 people armed 
> with razor blades.
> Agh, I see it, they didn't have guns.  Shit 10 kids could probably rush and 
> take an adult
> armed with a knife, if they rushed him.  At least one terrorist was flying, 
> so what thats
> 84 people against 3 armed with exacto razor blades?
> Bullshit, they had knives and sharp instruments.  No matter how well
> >trained a killer is, he is no match for odds like 120 to 4 against.
> How about odds of 20 to 1 with the one having a knife....
> ---

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