Manhattan Mid-Afternoon

Normen Nomesco dis-list at
Tue Sep 11 19:36:21 PDT 2001

Oh and Im sure having guns on board planes would work out great
especially considering the increase of people having huge fucking fits
and having to be held down on planes, yeah, lets arm people on planes.
Have you ever fucking even been on a plan?  I wouldn't trust most of my fellow
monkeys with a sharp edge on the free peanuts.

I am sickened that you would make this correlation in an attempt
to further the banner of gun proliferation.

Did you ever stop to think that
If you could bring a gun on board a plane, the terrorist would have GUNS
instead of knifes and cardboard cutters.

Yeah, im sure mr fat and lazy American middle class business man
with his .38 and his 20 hours on the range will be able to easily take on
someone who has spent 30 years fighting as a terrorist and being trained
sine he was 10 years old.  Fighting against some of the best and well equipped
formal militaries in the world,  the equivalent of a hyper religious navy seal.

I can see it now, 2 blue haired republican nuns with .22 took them on and 
won and the world was safe.

Yeah, I am sure that having guns on the plane would have saved everyone.

Even on this list, I rarely say it
your a fucking moron


>Which of course represents the crux of the issue. The passengers aboard the
>aircraft, the workers in the towers, and the emergency personnel on the
>ground are dead for two reasons: the US unreasonably meddling in other
>People's affairs until they crack, and the extremist gun control measures in
>place in the US today, preventing law-abiding citizens from carrying the
>firearm of their choice aboard a commercial aircraft. Who could deny that a
>few citizens armed with their personal handguns could have stopped two or
>three of guys armed with mere box cutters?
>The nasty truth is that the tragic events of the day were to a large degree
>caused by the victim disarmament policies of Diane Feinstein, Sarah Brady,
>Chuck Schumer, and the many, many local, state, and federal proponents of
>gun control. I hope they are happy. Not that I have any doubt that they will
>be delighted, since today's tragedy will undoubtedly give them additional
>excuses to turn more of us into helpless victims, ready to fall prey to
>crazies with box cutters and politicians with a pathological desire to feel
>The public will applaud. ... Or will it this time?

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