Begging for Enemies of the State

jamesd at jamesd at
Sat Sep 8 10:44:19 PDT 2001

On 7 Sep 2001, at 13:40, John Young wrote:
> The competiton between government-run prisons and the 
> commercial ops have led to fabulous lobbying and jawboning of 
> legislators and wardens to spread the lucrative but diminishing 
> prison-care population around,

I think there is little danger that enemies of the state will be 

What appears to be happening is that in those semi rural counties 
that are particularly dependent on the prison business, they bust 
anyone who passes through who is from out of town, poor, and of 
the incorrect race, and sentence them to seven years or so on 
whatever they can find.  Those cops and judges would not touch 
political activists with a ten foot pole.  They want peaceful 
no-account people who will not make trouble, and will not get 
anyone making trouble for them.  Not only will they not touch
political activists, they are often reluctant to touch real
criminals, since real criminals are often unprofitable to

         James A. Donald

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