Naughty Journal Author Denied Plea Change

Eric Cordian emc at
Sat Sep 8 09:45:14 PDT 2001

Declan wrote:

> My point was that this is a natural outgrowth of existing child porn and
> obscenity laws, and if you're upset at this, you should naturally be upset
> at the entire framework.

Right.  The big mistake was to criminalize "obscenity" in and of itself,
to define what obscenity was by something as subjective as local community
standards, and to make such criminalization independent of its willful
dissemination to people who are offended by it.

This creates the absurd situation that private ownership of material,
deemed "prurient" by a majority of ones neighbors, makes one a criminal
even if it is never shown to anyone.

All the rest of the censorship nonsense, including that related to the
sexual depictions of minors, follows sequentially from this fundamental

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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