Naughty Journal Author Denied Plea Change

Declan McCullagh declan at
Thu Sep 6 19:58:56 PDT 2001

I'm confused about "Fedgov" references. This was a state law and
a state prosecution and a state judge. Doesn't make it right, but it
has little to do with "Fedgov."


On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 05:30:19PM -0700, keyser-soze at wrote:
> At 06:15 PM 9/6/2001 -0500, amp wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 September 2001 10:51 am, David Honig wrote:
> > At 09:49 AM 9/5/01 -0700, John Young wrote:
> > >Isn't what is new here is that the man did not publish this material
> > >as was the material of Joyce, Miller, et al? Nobody saw it except
> > >him and the cop who discovered it.
> >
> > Wasn't it his *parents* who read his journal and turned him in, hoping for
> > 'treatment'
> > instead of jail?  Shades of David & Ted Kaczynski...
> >Indeed. From press accounts, his mother turned him in. (That's how Fedgov got
> his diary/notebook from what I understand.) The appelate decision that was
> recently in the news is that he pled guilty thinking he would get
> probation/treatment. The judge, in effect said, "I don't know why the hell
> you would have thought that. Lock him up!"
> >I'm concerned that Fedgov has been able to successfully prosecute this
> thoughtcrime using his own private writings. It could very well be possible
> that writing his evil thoughts down kept him from acting on them. I know that
> sometimes when I have a good rant building up, I have to just write it to get
> it out of my system. This case could well have unintended consequences if
> people finally understand that Fedgov doesn't give a rat's ass about any
> alleged 'right to privacy'. Americans allegedly have  right to 'keep and bear
> arms' as well, spelled out on paper (currently being used as toilet paper in
> government offices across the land), but there are thousands of laws
> regulating against same.
> This may continue until JDF types with nothing to lose (e.g., diagnosed with a terminal illness) put selected DOJ, FBI and Congressional targets in their sights.
> Version: Hush 2.0
> wmAEARECACAFAjuYFYwZHGtleXNlci1zb3plQGh1c2htYWlsLmNvbQAKCRAg4ui5IoBV
> n/9+AJ9eK/gSpH59ahQrotIOcYbOo8cHQgCeM0ki/sMKBda2tdCstCyN4LqFQWk=
> =1jll

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