what kind of bomb?

mmotyka at lsil.com mmotyka at lsil.com
Wed Oct 31 09:11:23 PST 2001

cpaul <inc at fastmedia.net> wrote :
>Witnesses also said they saw a U.S. plane drop a bomb Tuesday
>at the Bagram front lines, about 25 miles north of Kabul,
>creating a mushroom cloud that billowed at least 1,000 feet
>into the air.
A really big one. Still conventional. Besides, a standard-sized one
might have hit a munitions or fuel bunker.

 Hell, a 10 acre tire fire in central California made a "mushroom"
shaped cloud several thousand feet high. 

During Vietnam there were boxcar-sized bombs used to clear an LZ in the
jungle. How many tons? I don't know but they made ~100 yard circle.

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