MPAA and RIAA Lobby the President for Targetted Assassinations of Cyber Terrorists and DMCA Violators

Jei jei at
Mon Oct 29 02:31:26 PST 2001

> On Sun, 28 Oct 2001, Jon O . wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > It has become an Internet cliche to post letters from big companies sent to individuals threatening them with the DCMA. 
> Well, we won't have to put up with them letters any more! ;-)
> Now that the DMCA violations can be seen as terrorism and that Bush has
> authorized extrajudicial assassinations of suspected terrorists, soon we
> can just expect to get a bullet in the head. Us non-Americans that is. :-)
> Bush gives green light to CIA for assassination of named terrorists
> Targets specified in 35 countries.
> Are *you* one of them? 
> And just where did that mp3 file come from, eh?? Can you PROVE it???
> Don't believe me? Just think how big lobbying power the MPAA and RIAA
> have in the US, and that Bush has never hesistated to lick the butt of
> big business.

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