Short notice: Anybody interested in Inst. Msging and Crypto wanna speak at conference Wednesday, Santa Clara?

Brad Templeton brad at
Sun Oct 28 20:55:33 PST 2001

This is Brad Templeton from the EFF.  This Wednesday I'm moderating a
panel at Jeff Pulver's semi-annual conference on Presence and Instant
Messaging.   It's a smallish (couple of hundred) conference where you'll
see most of the commercial players in instant messaging, with the very
notable exception of AOL.

However, having attended this conference I have found that most of the
people there pay little attention to issues of security and privacy in
the IM world.  Sometimes for real reasons (most IM is forced by NAT and
firewalls to be routed through central servers) but often times simply
because they haven't bothered.

The panel I am moderating is on these topics of Presence and Instant
Messaging, and due to various circumstances, right now I have only 2
other speakers on it, who will speak about the privacy and security work
being done by two standards bodies, the PAM formum, and the IETF SIP working
group.  I have my own talk on the design and political issues, but I can
move a lot of that into my plenary talk later in the day where I want to
get those issues out.

In particular I am interested in technologically interesting projects or
research to allow privacy, encryption and anonymity in instant messaging,
and also in presence data and location-aware devices.  (Part of the
conference is also on location aware services, E911 manadated location-aware
phones etc.)

So I apologize for not asking until today, but if you have done any work
in these areas you would like to talk about briefly, I could have a slot
for you, and get you free attendance at this normally $2,000 conference.
Last time Lenny Foner gave a great talk on his work.

The conference info is at and my session is
This Wedesday, Oct 31, at 9:45am.  It is at the Marriott in Santa Clara.

Sorry as well for posting without regularly reading cypherpunks, but I
need to keep my email load down.

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