Now we know why those 1000 are being held in NYC

John Young jya at
Sun Oct 28 13:51:55 PST 2001

Don't be alarmed if it turns out the 1,000 being held in NYC are
hostages of US Attorney Mary Jo White and the New York
office of the FBI. The two offices are pissed that Ashcroft is
trying to take over the long-lived terrorism investigation without
properly rewarding those who have been running it. Some of
the New York attorneys and investigators have been reassigned
to DC but don't like the way they are being treated -- no doubt
in part due to different party affiliations, but more likely because
the Bush newcomers don't want to be condescended to by the 
New Yorkers who hate DC, its crud food, people and gossip.

New York and DC, Justice and FBI, have been at it for decades,
and this long-running vendetta is what underlies several
espionage cases, including Hansen's, but not only his. DC
sends people up to New York to counterspy on the operations, 
but they either get coopted or if uncooperative get fucked by 
being set up to take a fall. Various countries like Russia help 
out their New York buddies in screwing the competition. And
the reverse happens in DC to New Yorkers who are sucked
into that cesspool.

When the Soviets in New York battled the Soviets in DC,
both using their USG resources, and the USG doing the
same, it was war beyond ordinary counterintelligence 
comprehension. These battles have been going on since
the 1930s, and were set in motion by Hoover and his
Soviet counterpart. Then became institutionalized
featherbedding outdistancing DC's, if you can believe

The CIA got ensnared in these deep seated treacheries
when it came along in 1947, as have most other of the intel
agencies, many of which share offices in New York, but
are widely spaced in DC, all attempting to get as far away
from toxic FBI HQ as possible.

There's a USG-mafia in New York that is far more complex 
than the organized crime kind, though there is cooperation with
those birds of a feather too. You can see representatives of
all these cozy groups sometimes lunching together up in Sylvia's
in Harlem, strolling over from a not well camouflaged satellite
suite of offices housed above the studio where a world-famous
cooking show is videoed. (We did a job across the street for a 
church one of whose deacon's owns the building and who 
happily bragged of his steady-rent tenants -- not that the 
neighborhood kids had not already scrawled their acronyms 
on the building, again and again, and their bros got paid to
repeatedly repaint.) 

The gaggle of antennas the agencies use there nicely fit in
among the TV antennas of the cooking show. The feds and
the actors on the TV shows share a cafeteria and it's damn hard
to spot who's who except for the Russians and Mobsters who
are dapper dans who tap fists like the locals and boogie at the 
dames who spic-call them piquito cujones. This is classified 
so shut your suckupper or your computers will anchor you to 
the toxic bottom.

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