Assasination politics 3,Terra australis

mattd mattd at
Sat Oct 27 00:05:33 PDT 2001

"The Australian Federal Police sound as though they are being maliciously 
incompetent. Copying a laptop hard-drive should take no more than about an 
hour; and they aren't going to boot the laptop in order to inspect it for 
obvious reasons. Regards, Steve "

The feds are generally regarded as bozo's with sadistic tendencies,(thats 
in the police job description)Its been pointed out
to the victorian state computer squad that are holding it that Norton ghost 
exists to no avail.Their argument seems to be
that when they finish probing my pron for steg,etc,etc...they may lay 
charges and will need the entire machine
as evidence.They are placing street officers lives in danger by delaying 
charges(if I am a slavering stone killer)Ill be arguing
if Im charged that they dont seriously believe me to be a threat.(5 
months!) The coroner critisised the state police once for not taking 
threats seriously.Sandy stone may be called for the defense as he will 
convincingly demolish the reality of the 'threat'.

Operation soft drill could save you from your 'leaders' for a suprisingly 
low amount.How much is your progressive enlightened experiment worth?"Id 
buy that for a dollar"

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