FBI wants to have "Internet Off-switch"

AARG! Anonymous remailer at aarg.net
Sat Oct 27 14:50:01 PDT 2001

They'll probably lean on the big boys, the backbone providers
like MCI, Sprint, Cable & Wireless, etc. CALEA put taps in those
providers, so it's just a matter of expanding the data streams
they're "allowed" to scan.

Anyone know of a tunneling package that'll handle an OC3?...

Cheers -

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 23:13:23 -0700
> From: Larry Diffey <ldiffey at technologyforward.com>
> To: nanog at merit.edu
> Subject: FBI is at it again Per the following article:
> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,37203,00.html
> it appears as if the FBI now wants to route ALL Internet traffic through
> it's central servers!!!! What gall!! What nerve!!!!
> Now, for all of you who said, "Hey, I'm not doing anything wrong, let the
> FBI monitor what it wants to." can go shove hot spikes up your nose.
> I don't think the FBI really wants to control the Internet, they want to
> destabilize it.  As tyranny approaches the only thing more dangerous than
> an armed populace is an informed one.  If they can monitor all the traffic,
> they can certainly control it. The ISP's (whatever those are) need to
> collectively tell the FBI to go jump off a bridge.  Information campaigns
> need to be sent to the customers to alert them of the potential loss of
> civil liberties. I'm gonna stop before I say something that will get me
> arrested.
> Regards, Larry Diffey

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