Torture Never Stops..

Ken Brown k.brown at
Fri Oct 26 08:09:52 PDT 2001

One of the many instantiations of Nomen Nescio (whose name is Legion)


> Anyways, I dont think this will effect
> mainstream Americans and the odd cypherpunk
> thrown in among them. Unless that cpunk
> happens to be Middle Eastern, and guilty
> of something previously determined to
> be suspect.

You probably have no idea how much this makes my flesh creep

> But in the long run will we, considering
> ourselves Freedom Advocates (believe it
> or not, I consider myself one), 

Oh, I believe it. You do consider yourself one. You are sadly deluded
though, and not only about the difference between "affect" and "effect".


> I am not willing to give up ANYTHING for my
> freedom...
> But then again, I dont have screwy
> immigration documents that would cause anyone
> to want to usurp my individual freedoms.

This is a troll, right?

> I will not give up encryption, or privacy.


Ken Brown

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