Neverending Cycle ( was : Re: USPS: glowing by leaps and bounds )

David Honig honig at
Wed Oct 24 08:22:54 PDT 2001

At 12:23 PM 10/24/01 +0100, Ken Brown wrote:
>> Our society has, for all practical purposes, endless vulnerabilities. If
>> as each vulnerability is exploited we plan on taking drastic steps to
>> secure it from future exploitation, the costs will be staggering and the
>> list of unsecured items will hardly diminish. The result of the current
>> approach is an authoritarian society with a neverending, self-justifying
>> security project ahead of it. Sounds like a wonderful place to live if
>> you're an insect.
>So we get either the Caves of Steel   or the Naked Sun?
>I'd go for the former, being a city boy, but I guess T. May, H. Seaver &
>D. Honig  might prefer the hyper-exurbia of the latter.  One step from
>the Machine Stops - set not in the ultimate city but in the ultimate

Personally I'd prefer a non-colonial foreign policy that doesn't generate
such antipathy.  

The message of the WTC is this: regular ole' non-mil sheeple *are* held
responsible for
the actions of their government.  *Even* in the US.  What a concept.
I suppose the sheeple in Dresden (etc.) know what that's like.  

When the US populations' endocrines settle down, maybe they'll clue in to
cause and effect.  Doubt it.  Getting involved in others' family feuds is just
too much fun.

What was it General Washington said about foreign entanglements?  I'd tattoo
it onto every congressvermin's forehead.

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