Farm Out! (was Re: Retribution not enough)

Riad S. Wahby rsw at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 23 17:08:34 PDT 2001

Harmon Seaver <hseaver at> wrote:
>        StarOffice is a lot better. Opensource, for one thing (although I
> know the Mac version was dropped and the OS X version not quite ready yet,
> but the linux version rocks), and doesn't get macroviri in any version.
> Again, why would you use something that ID's everything you write? But if
> you really want a great word processor, try XyWrite. Too bad the law firm
> that bought it dropped the ball on development, but the Notabene version is
> going strong, and is the ultimate wp AFAIC.
> No mac version, or linux version, but I run Xywrite under VirtualPC on the
> Mac, and under VMware on linux.

Strange that you would go to all the trouble.  I'll take emacs and
LaTeX2e any day of the week.  Who needs WYSIWYG when you can make
nicer-looking documents in less time using a Turing-complete document
formatting / programming language?

Riad Wahby
rsw at
MIT VI-2/A 2002

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