Neverending Cycle ( was : Re: USPS: glowing by leaps and bounds)

Tim May tcmay at
Tue Oct 23 16:31:06 PDT 2001

On Tuesday, October 23, 2001, at 04:02 PM, Harmon Seaver wrote:

> mmotyka at wrote:
>> Our society has, for all practical purposes, endless vulnerabilities. 
>> If
>> as each vulnerability is exploited we plan on taking drastic steps to
>> secure it from future exploitation, the costs will be staggering and 
>> the
>> list of unsecured items will hardly diminish. The result of the current
>> approach is an authoritarian society with a neverending, 
>> self-justifying
>> security project ahead of it. Sounds like a wonderful place to live if
>> you're an insect.
>         The really weird thing about this whole anthrax scene is that 
> all
> the spores seem to be of the Ames variety, which is a militarized 
> anthrax
> developed in Ames, Iowa. It really seems suspicious to me that these 
> are of
> domestic origin -- bin Ladin or whoever would be in all likelihood be 
> using
> a Russian variety or an Iraqi subset.

You are astoundingly misinformed, or are just plain lazy.

One minute spent searching on "anthrax ames" will disabuse the clueful 
of the mistakes made above.

The Ames strain is _not_ "militarized anthrax."

Get a fucking clue.

--Tim May
"Ben Franklin warned us that those who would trade liberty for a little 
bit of temporary security deserve neither. This is the path we are now 
racing down, with American flags fluttering."-- Tim May, on events 
following 9/11/2001

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