Additional Anthrax Deaths Suspected

Declan McCullagh declan at
Mon Oct 22 15:10:04 PDT 2001

On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 02:52:52PM -0700, Eric Cordian wrote:
> The vaccine has not been proven safe and effective, nor released for use
> in the general population.  The military has to take it because they are
> ordered to.

And sometimes not even then. From something I wrote in 1999:,1283,18485,00.html
The note and others like it have spread like the plague. A group of 23
sailors on the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier refused to take
their shots and were demoted, the Pentagon said Thursday. The day
before, the Air Force kicked out a recalcitrant airman. Some officers
have resigned rather than take the vaccine.  Officials blame the
Internet for infecting the rank and file. At a recent press briefing,
Pentagon spokesman Mike Doubleday decried "misinformation which is
available to people on various Web sites regarding anthrax, and also
the anthrax vaccine."


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