Disney's SSSCA psy-ops: "EZ Jackster"

David Honig honig at sprynet.com
Mon Oct 22 17:55:44 PDT 2001

In the next episode, Osama bin Laden makes a cameo, on Jackster's side
of course. 

At 04:31 PM 10/22/01 -0700, Xeni Jardin wrote:
>Forwarding a post from the pho digital music list (end of this message). A
>Newsforge item that also appeared about this today reads:
>"--Disney Channel cartoon portrays music downloads as evil
>The Disney Channel cartoon series The Proud Family
>aired an episode on Oct. 5 entitled EZ Jackster. In the storyline, EZ
>Jackster is a Napster-like site, and the show's little heroines
>get addicted to the service and play a part in the downfall of the music
>industry. Disney is one of the backers of the SSSCA proposed legislation
>that is scheduled for a hearing before Congress Oct. 25.
>The TV summary site, TV Tome, shows this synopsis of the episode in question:
>"After Penny spends $125 on CDs with her five-cent salary, she meets a boy,
>Mega, who tells her about a napster-like website he made called EZ
Jackster. All
>weekend she was sitting at the computer, downloading music from EZ Jackster.
>Finally, Dijonay comes over and asks what she was doing over the weekend.
>asks Dijonay if she can keep a secret, knowing that she can't. Penny tells
>Dijonay to tell everyone she knows about EZ Jackster. Her telling everybody
>about EZ Jackster has a ripple-effect all around the world. From India to
>to Suga Mama! But rap singer, Sir Paid-A-Lot is threatened by this because he
>got a five-cents salary instead of his million-dollar salary. But suddenly,
>after wrestling, the news interrupted the next program telling about EZ
>Jackster. It shows a house of where the EZ Jackster-spreader lives. Oscar
>comments how ugly the house is, not realizing it was their house. Trudy is
>at Penny for stealing music so she takes away her computer. Later, Penny
gets a
>call from Mega, asking if she is still using EZ Jackster. Will Penny
listen to
>her parents?"--"
>-----Original Message-----
>From: PHO
>Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 12:06 AM
>Subject: pho: Tonight on Disney
>Well Pho Pholks
>Lara Lavi here from Very Juicy Records
>I relay this without passing judgement just sharing with you what I just saw
>this evening.
>I turn on the TV with my little 2.5 year old to watch some Disney show about
>an African American teen girl (The Proud Family - animated show) and here is
>the story line ( I think I missed the first couple scenes but here is the
>general jist.
>1.    Girl working at her antiquated computer her dad gave her in her room.
>2.    Mystery guy (cool hip hop looking dude in black) shows up at her
>window and supplies her with an up to date computer, takes her into "the
>Matrix and shows her a web area called Free Jackster where she can get all
>the music she could ever want FOR FREE,
>3.    The girl asks if this is illegal and mystery guy explains it is our
>birthright to have free music, creativity should not have a price
>4.   Girl gets addicted to collecting free music, her obsession leads to
>telling all her friends.  soon the site is getting millions of hits from
>kids to grandmothers.
>5.  Next scene at the The Wizard Record Label board room where "Sir Paid
>Alot" enters to complain his royalty check was only five cents. This alerts
>The Wizard (head of the label) that  there is a retail problem he needs to
>look into.
>6.    Teen Girl's house is surrounded that night by police and press and she
>is arrested for illegal downloads, gets a warning,.  The news makes it clear
>that millions of people can;'t be stopped, Parents take computer away from
>girl and explain why free downloads is STEALING. - kind of an abirdged
>explanation of how copyrights work.
>6.   Next scene, Asian Guy's retail record store is empty, guy is crying on
>the floor.  Teen Girl who happens to work at the store show  up to work,
>aisian guy fires her for supporting all the free downloads
>7.  Next scene charts showing record sales are down down down to nothing
>because people get the music for free
>8.  Mystery guy shows up at teen girls' window again to try and convince her
>to go back to downloading but she says NO
>7.     Guy:  "You still downloading?", Teen Girl:  DOwnloading is stealin"
>Mr. Guy from Free Jackster: " I know you are afraid I am trying to show you
>a world without rules"  Teen girl says no its wrong GOODBYE

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