stupid anthrax q: would microwaving your snail mail help?

Karsten M. Self kmself at
Fri Oct 19 15:13:02 PDT 2001

on Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 07:27:18AM -0500, Jim Choate (ravage at wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > This suggestion turned up on Kuro5hin, a web discussion site (Slashdot's
> > baby brother):
> > 
> >     If you want to sterilize your mail, simply place the unopened
> >     envelope on an ironing board and place a damp, thin cloth on top of
> >     it. Then iron it. Yes, iron it. Just like you would iron your pants.
> >     The damp heat will kill any bacteria, including anthrax, inside the
> >     envelope, and you will be safe.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Probably more accessible to most of the population (and workplaces) than
> > claves, pressure cookers, or irradiation equipment.
> > 
> > Anyone have thoughts or (?) knowledge on efficacy, or guidelines on how
> > long the heating should last for decontamination?
> Sounds like somebody doesn't do their own washing/ironing :)

I bathe regularly.  All else is gloss.

> The steam in an iron doesn't get anywhere that hot, it'd ruin the
> clothes.  

/me retreats to iron w/ thermometer.

Black and Decker "Light 'n' Easy" iron, cotton dishtowl (folded quarto),
"Good Cook" dial thermometer inserted under top fold.  With four
minutes' preheat, temperature is off the scale (220°F), extrapolating,
it looks to be 270°-280°F.  After about two minutes, there's a slight
yellowing of the dishtowel.

> Also an iron will have steam escaping around the edges (when you hit
> the steam button especially) and this has the potential to spread
> un-heated spores into the atmosphere.

The filtration offered by an envelope and moistened towel should
minimize this.

References online suggest that claving cycles are ~2h at 140°C+.  A WHO
document on animal carcass processing suggests rendering cycles range
from 10-60 minutes, though whether or not this is sufficient to
disinfect the carcasses isn't clear from a quick read.

I'd say that for paranoics with a low risk threshhold, ten minutes of
steam might provide some assurance.  And neatly creased correspondence.
It's a bit hard on the pre-approved credit cards though.


Karsten M. Self <kmself at>
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