Who represents the detained? Nobody...

Duncan Frissell frissell at panix.com
Thu Oct 18 11:41:16 PDT 2001

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Optimizzin Al-gorithm wrote:

> At 12:28 PM 10/18/01 -0400, An Metet wrote:
> >     And it's pretty fucking obvious that you have never been
> >in any situation dealing with the police either, right, asshole?
> >Even before 9/11, it was not at all uncommon to be rousted by the
> >pigs, hauled off to jail, and refused the right to call a lawyer
> >or anyone else, simply for the crime of looking "not quite right"
> >or black, or radical, or what the fuck ever.
> Everyone seems to have forgotten about NYPD's fondness for plungers
> up the butt, or perforating immigrants offering their wallet.
> Maybe a building falling on them was Infinite Justice.

If it was intended to harm the NYPD, it's had the opposite effect:

Note the following man-on-the-street interview (there's a war on we can
use traditional language again):

The Next Big Thing on WNYC radio 29 September 2001

Freddie Torres of the Red Hook Projects in Brooklyn (who describes himself
as a street thug) talks about how The Incident has affected him and his
view of the NYPD.  (3:00 minutes into the segment).  "This is the first
time I can say that New York City cops are good."



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