Detainees, Personal Libertarianism, and Vengeance

Nomen Nescio nobody at
Wed Oct 17 16:00:12 PDT 2001

> For the past 35 years of my politically awake life, I have found it very 
> clarifying to think of _all_ proposed or existing laws in terms of how 
> it could apply to _me_. Seen this way, I have no problems supporting 
> laws against murder, burglary, or other such crimes.

You're not even being consistent.  You yourself have indicated that you
would engage in murder of those you viewed to be violating your rights.
Even if they have merely inconvenienced you by holding you a few days
longer than you thought proper, or not providing enough access to an
attorney, you would kill the guards and other low-paid employees who
are doing no more than temporarily limiting your freedom of action.

In fact, the other day you threatened to murder a reporter who misquoted
you; in fact, you further suggested you would torture him and kill his
entire family.  These are innocent children who never did a thing to you,
and you would kill them in cold blood.  Only a subhuman animal, devoid
of any semblance of morality and decency, would suggest such a thing.

"How would you like it," to quote your own words, if after commiting these
outrageous crimes, society gave you what you deserved?  Would you enjoy
being put on trial for your life?  Being sentenced to life imprisonment
or death?  How can you support laws against murder, while threatening
that action at every turn?

Of course, the alternative is that you are pathetic liar, a pitiful
blowhard whose bombast is his only hope of concealing his fears and
inadequacies.  You have no intention of killing anyone, which is why you
don't bother with consistency in your impotent rants.  The narcissism
description fit you to a tee.  All you want is attention, like an
immature child.  What a loser.

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