Zero Knowledge Tracks Users with Freedom 3.0...

Anonymous Anonymous
Thu Oct 18 00:25:32 PDT 2001


Thought you'd be interested in this.

While playing with Zero Knowledge Systems' new
Freedom 3.0 privacy product, I noticed that it actually
notifies Zero Knowledge whenever you start
it up.  It sends a bunch of HTTP requests
(through the M$ IE subsystem, no less) to ZKS.

Here's a sample header:
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0

Plus all the standard HTTP stuff -- IP address, date/time, etc.

This would also include any cookies set from, (which ZKS sets every time you go there),
but I filter cookies through the MEconomy system, so
I had none from them.

What's "pid" (I checked -- unrelated to my Win 2K process ID)?
What's prn?
What's "event"?
Why is s it being sent back to zeroknowledge EVERY time I start up Freedom?

Guess even the privacy good guys want to track you.


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