Kill Killfile

John Young jya at
Wed Oct 17 19:20:23 PDT 2001

And another excellent quality of cpunks that does indeed
impress the world of media bloodthirstiness, is the number 
of its outstanding writers sent to jail, some repeatedly, for 
cutting edge taunts of illiterate critics, diseased poobahs 
and for sure, aesthetic cowards who ever try to pump up
their fiction with idiotic pretense of non-fictional earnestness.

Now I know its a grave offense to those with gravitas (spit)
to ridicule their seriousness of purpose and pretentious
judgmentalism, but they pose such easy targets, for all
purposes I can see, beg to be made fun of, display abysmal
ignorance of what they write, cite spurious authorities for
it, remind when it was first, last, and forever written, just
cannot forgo wild swings at fantasms, urge close attention
to their pulp, deliver sweeping statements as if a world
authority, viciously attack untalented writers like themselves,
slather the most shallowly manipulating praise ever
imaginable, and probably lay awake at night dreaming
of triumph, a Nobel Prize or violent heroic death before

This is what I like about cypherpunks and find repugnant
about Cyberia which has produced no jail time for its
members, but more advice on how to avoid it than is good
for humanity. A refuge for intellectural and corporal cowards, 
Cyberia, among many other lists, is, but in time that will
hopefully change, in particular if I can persuade you and
Declan to go over the line all great writers must do to spend
jail-time among the winners and stop sucking up to losers
who will always remain unimpressed having no judgment
worth writing about.

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