Corporate war on liberty

Tim May tcmay at
Wed Oct 17 16:55:26 PDT 2001

On Wednesday, October 17, 2001, at 03:18 PM, Harmon Seaver wrote:

> Greg Broiles wrote:
>> Now all we need are Ross Perot and/or EDS and/or IBM telling us they 
>> can do
>> the same thing but cheaper and faster.
>> --
>> Greg Broiles
>> gbroiles at
>> "We have found and closed the thing you watch us with." -- New Delhi 
>> street kids
>        Well, Sun already did that. Which is a *real* drag for me -- 
> since
> boycotting Sun certainly cuts off a large number of job opportunities. 
> Sigh!
>       Although maybe it'll turn out to be a real boost for linux.  8-)

All of these fuckers are trying to show the flag by repressing liberties.

Coming soon,

"MyEscowedYahoo (TM), the new account management and news tracking 
system from Yahoo, Inc. "We report your account balances and special 
news interests to the government so you don't have to!"

"IntelInside (TM), Intel's contribution to the War on Terrorism and Bad 
People. Intel, through its proprietary TrackBurst (TM) technology, 
reports the location of laptops and PDAs to the FBI through an iGPS 
(Intel GPS) module integrate into all i840 motherboards. Those who have 
something to hide should buy AMD!"

"Not be outdone in this war on liberty, AMD announces QuantiLiberty, the 
fractional liberty positional escrow system. We not only report your 
position, we also anticipate your future movements by examining your 
daily calendars!"

It's 10 p.m....does the government  know where you are?

--Tim May, Occupied America
"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759.

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