Canada slaughters civil rights

Ken Brown k.brown at
Tue Oct 16 04:05:00 PDT 2001

Tim May wrote:


> I'm surprised there has been little discussion (any discussion?) of the
> NAI decision this past week to lay off 250 of the 300 PGP employees (*)
> and to either sell the division to someone or abandon it completely.
> (* As with ZKS and their couple of hundred employees, just how are 300
> PGP employees justified? As the comments on Slashdot point out, just how
> the hell does a product which has been evolving _very_ slowly
> conceivably justify 250-300 employees? DilbertWorld, obviously.)

Maybe they are like those money-losing airlines that laid off people
they would have laid off anyway and blamed it on the attack. Except in
this case they are claiming they would have done it anyway, knowing that
everyone will suspect they are lying and therefore assume they wouldn't
have because they know that we know that they know that we know... 
Well, maybe not.

(Kudos to Ryan Air, the low-price Irish airline which cut its prices and
kept flying, in fact they have opened new routes. They had a 20%
increase in passengers the week after, while the likes of Swiss Air &
Sabena were stranding travellers in remote parts.)

Ken Brown

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