Who represents the detained? Nobody...

Tim May tcmay at got.net
Mon Oct 15 18:02:25 PDT 2001

On Monday, October 15, 2001, at 05:38 PM, Anonymous wrote:

>> "In a high-security wing of Manhattan's Metropolitan Correctional 
>> Center,
>> an unknown number of men with Middle Eastern names are being held in
>> solitary confinement on the ninth floor, locked in 8- by 10-foot cells 
>> with
>> little more than cots, thin blankets and, if they request it, copies 
>> of the
>> Koran. Every two hours, guards roust them to conduct a head count. They
>> have no contact with each other or their families and limited access to
>> their lawyers.
> 5000 people went through a 1000-degree meat grinder
> on 9/11 without an opportunity for any due process,
> and don't fucking forget it.

People who think like "Anonymous" above should ask themselves a simple 

"What would you think if _you_ were seized in a pre-dawn raid, held 
without charges, never allowed to confront evidence, not allowed to 
contact the attorney of your choice, cut off from communications with 
your family and friends, and held in jail for several weeks or more?"

I know I'd be out for blood, McVeigh-style.

My rough figure of merit is that for every _day_ that I am held 
unjustly, a member of the forces which held me must die.

If this means killing an office building of them for unjustly holding me 
for 30 days, so be it.

(Of course, I'd attempt to be more clever about it. But the morality of 
it is as I stated.)

As for "Anonymous," he's probably just another one of the "Anonymity 
should be banned" crowd, like the cretins at "Reason," the "Wall Street 
Journal," and so on. Funny how the most rabid statists often hide behind 
the very tools they want banned.

--Tim May
"Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and
strangled with her panty hose,  is somehow morally superior to a woman 
explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound"

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